Thai Silk Weaving

Tapestry / fiber art has been displayed, treasured and produced for many centuries. The art form has been used in many countries and cultures to showcase skill, record history and teach religious lessons or beliefs as well as used for practical reasons such as warmth. We see this art form used throughout Europe, Africa, native cultres in America and Asia. Thailand is known for their silk weaving into tapestries, clothing and wall hangings. The art form dates back centuries with some silk fibers dated 3000 years old. The beauty of this Thai art form is the complete community and cultural involvement that it encompasses. While there are some known weavers, generally this art form is most commonly found in small villages where people have been weaving and creating their own clothing, blankets, wall hangings for centuries. It all begins with a worm. A silk worm actually and thousands of them. The silk worms are fed and...